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Are ESG scores being used by your bank or retirement plans? If not, are they coming soon?

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

Are ESG scores being used by your bank or retirement plans? If not, are they coming soon?


What are ESG scores, and why are so many advocates of liberty deeply concerned about them?

Key Terms and Issues. Who Are the Agents Responsible for this Shift, and What Have They Done to Bring It About? Read here: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Scores | Heartland Institute

This is the beginning of this fight against the use of ESG scoring to control what we invest in, what businesses we support or what products a company produces. The scores are being used against fossil fuel companies, gun manufacturers and any company that doesn’t agree with the Climate Change, Social Justice and Government control that are currently being forced upon our society. This is how the government forces you to comply. We must fight back!

A Foreshadowing of things to come in the US? Look at what is happening in Canada.

The Finance Minister is freezing the protest truckers' finances for protesting. Fascism!! Watch the press conference "Follow the money," Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland says - YouTube

Freeland warns truckers that their trucks can be seized, their corporate accounts frozen, vehicle insurance will be frozen, and says they should go home, adding the Canadian economy needs them to go back to "legitimate activity" - to work.

The big US banks are already using ESG scores. YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT YOUR BANK.

What can you do?

1. Search your bank’s website for ESG and see if you get any results. Check with the Bank’s Corporate site and search for ESG, ESG scores, sustainable investing. If your bank is using ESG scores, move your money to a local bank or credit union that does not use ESG scores and make sure you tell the bank manager why you are leaving.

2. Call your state legislators and ask them to pass laws forbidding banks from using ESG scores to discriminate against their clients.

3. Call the state treasurer and ask that all state investments, including retirement funds be divested from any banks or funds that use ESG scores. Dale Folwell (R) (919) 814-4000

This is the beginning of this fight against the use of ESG scoring to control what we invest in, what businesses we support or what products a company produces. The scores are being used against fossil fuel companies, gun manufacturers and any company that doesn’t agree with the Climate Change, Social Justice and Government control that are currently being forced upon our society.

Let us know what you find out about your bank or retirement fund.


The use of ESG scores is a global plan. The World Economic Forum has many articles about the use of ESG scores. You can find them at the following link.

This is a link for the S&P Global. (Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC)

This is to the US Federal Register.

In December the Biden Administration’s Department of Justice changed the rules to allow more use of ESG scores in retirement plans.

Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes, State Treasurer Marlo Oaks and State Auditor John Dougall led the charge for 23 states last week in filing a comment on a proposed U.S. Department of Labor rule eviscerating current pension holder protections.


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