Information for Buncombe County
Your Political Party needs to sign you up for Poll Observing.
Contact Bobbi Shiplett at the Buncombe GOP Office. 801 455 0780
You need to be a member of NCEIT to gain access to the many Member Resources available to Poll Observers including training videos and state statutes. Log on to Us fill out the form. It's free.
Then, contact You need to sign up for the State Election Integrity Reporting System - SEIRS - to report your poll obserrver experience on the Incident Reports.
Send your name, phone, email, county, and precinct so I can get you in the system. You will get a welcome email. Change your password and you're good to go!
Very Important!! If you have had no training or want a refresher, there will be 4 opportunities in our area. In person in Henderson and Buncombe and 2 Zoom calls. See link below.
Poll Observer Training In-Person and Zoom Calls.
Click here for dates, time, and locations.
Thanks so much for caring. Our nation needs us NOW. Only you can make a difference. Hope to see all of you soon! Jane Bilello 209 986 3845.