When: Wednesday, August 28th at 4:00PM at the City Operations Center, 305 Williams St. Hendersonville, NC 28792
Who: Kenny Xu to present a 30 minutes presentation on why DEI needs to be eliminated
Info about Kenny and his organization is below:
Color Us United...
Kenny Xu... the Director of Color Us United
So, how did Kenny get an audience with the City Council? Thanks Cher Silvius who has been relentless to eliminate this discrimination, wrote a letter to Mayor Volk, City Council and Mr. Connet. They accepted the offer for Kenny to speak. PLEASE BE THERE.
Good Afternoon Mayor Volk, City Council, and Mr. Connet,
I hope this finds you all well. There is a group of us that have met with Mayor Volk on a couple of occasions in the last year to discuss the DEI mindset and to understand how these core values and beliefs were formed in our city, our nation, and the global implications within this mindset. We are seeing the global fallout as seen in the Opener of the Olympics as well as transgendermen competing in women's sports.
As you know, there are a number of us that have been against the DEI ideology that has been embraced within the City of Hendersonville. In fact, there are many in the city who do not even know there is a DEI committee... excuse me, that is now the DI Committee. Your core values & beliefs though embrace DEI as seen here:
As I have shared in past City Council meetings as well as the DI Committee meetings, my heart believes in all people living together in harmony. There is no group of people that should be uplifted above another. We should live and work to the best of our ability and grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Our country offers this to all people. It is hard work, grit, and good character that drives us. I believe that all people should and can work things out through civil communication with one another. When people take "offense" quickly without understanding and start judging... This is where things fall apart. Our country has overcome many hard and sin laden obstacles and we have learned from our past tremendously. In the song America the Beautiful, it says "America! America! God mend thine every flaw Confirm thy soul in self-control Thy liberty in law!" This speaks magnitude.
My request to you all is that I would like to have Kenny Xu, the President and Primary Spokesman, from Color Us United to come speak at the August 28th City Council meeting addressing DEI. I would like him to be part of the agenda.
I have shared this group with you all before. You may read more about Color Us United here: https://colorusunited.org/
My second request is that you please actually respond to this email as soon as possible. I have been in communication with both Color Us United and the Coalition for Liberty.
Thank you kindly.
Cher Silvius