Election Law Toolkit Training Event (Up to 5.25 CLE credits) Who Should Attend: 1. Attorneys wanting to develop an election-related side hustle 2. Election law activists Topics: Residency Challenges, Provisional and Absentee Vote Monitoring, Election Protests, Quo Warranto Challenges, Poll Observer Civil Rights, and additional attorney CLEs on Ethics and Substance Abuse (1 credit), and Technology--Mastering Adobe Acrobat (1 credit) Presenters: Cleta Mitchell, Josh Howard, Tim Haga, Tyler Brooks, Boyd Worley, Adam Draper (Ethics & Substance Abuse CLE), and Shawn Gaither on Mastering Adobe Acrobat (Technology CLE) Program Host: Jay DeLancy, Founder of Voter Integrity Project - NC, Co-Founder of NC Election Integrity Team NC Bar Association HQ 217 Edenton St, Raleigh, NC 27601, USA March 24, 2023 Sign-in 8:30 AM to 9:00 General Program 9:00 - 1:00 Ethics, Substance Abuse & Tech CLEs 1:00 - 3:30 RSVP Your street address Your phone number Share on social Check out our site
Election Law Toolkit Training Event: Continuing Education
Updated: Apr 26, 2023