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Legislators: Pass Legislation to Rid Our Schools of Obscene and Vulgar Material.

Our team is asking you to help get legislation over the line. Before the legislators leave the short session, we want them to pass the amendment regarding procurement and challenge to instructional and supplemental materials.

Please send an individual email to each of the people listed below. You may edit the letter as you see fit. Use their name and your name. Please send a copy to the legislative assistant also.


The Pavement Education Project Team

Suggested letter (feel free to edit to make it your own):

Subject Line:  Vote Yes for HB 263 with changes to §115C-98.5. (c) 

Dear Representative or Senator [Last name],

I urge you to support the proposed amendment to HB 263 which addresses instructional and supplemental materials used in North Carolina public schools.  The selection and procurement of materials as well as the challenge of materials must follow the guidelines as stated in the bill and found in § 115C-98.5. (c)  Challenges to supplementary and instructional materials shall be made in writing and submitted to the local board of education. The challenge shall specify that the material being challenged is one of the following: (1) obscene, (2) inappropriate to the age, maturity, or grade level of the students (3) not aligned with the standard course of study (4) pervasively vulgar.

I would like to see the same standards used for challenges to also be used in the purchase of new instructional and supplemental materials. I do not see that stated anywhere. There would be far less challenges if the four standards noted above were implemented.

I also ask that the bill create a more balanced community media advisory committee with more citizens representing the school district community.  As written, the bill creates a ratio of 9 (school staff) to 2 (community members) to evaluate material challenges. I see this as a grave disadvantage for the challenger. To be fair the ratio should have equal representation of the two groups. 

I appreciate your service to the citizens of North Carolina and hope that you continue to work to improve the public-school education system in our state.  Every child deserves a sound basic education that prepares him/her for the future. Unfortunately, there are many school employees who are intent on providing minor students with materials and instructions that are not age appropriate. We are seeing an influx of materials that are not educational but are instead: obscene, vulgar, and/or diverse in gender and sexual orientation. Some materials even promote political agendas and activism.  The focus of public schools must be on education which is a state constitutional mandate.

Please carefully consider my requests.  Let me know if you wish to discuss this further.



Your Name

Your address and phone number

Your email address

Legislators List: 

Rep Tim Moore

Rep John Bell


Sen Phil Berger

Sen Mike Lee

Rep Destin Hall

Rep Donny Lambeth

Rep Hugh Blackwell

LA  Jacob Kuhn

Rep John Torbett

Rep Jason Saine

Rep Dean Arp

Sen Ralph Hise

LA Susan Fanning.

Sen Brent Jackson


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