Voters expect integrity in their elections.
NC Election Integrity Team’s (NCEIT) Goal
Easy to Vote and Hard to Cheat
NCEIT through its’ investigations supports these bills proposed by the legislature:
• S 89 - Prohibit Private Money In Elections- Re-ref to Redistricting and Elections.
funding methods Primary Sponsors – Senators P. Newton 300B, Hise 300A, Daniel 627 NCEIT Supports this Bill with minor text changes because
- The Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) - a 501(c)3 non-profit organization- gave over $7.2 million of Mark
Zuckerberg's money to the North Carolina State Board of Elections and 31 county elections boards in 2020 in an
attempt to shape and influence the management of our elections.
- The Alliance for Election Excellence granted contracts for 2023 with Brunswick and Forsyth counties in NC and plans to
distribute $80 million to counties in the next five years.
- The language below was modeled after Virginia & Georgia which is believed to be optimally effective.
- The Heritage Foundation recommends: No private funding of election officials and government agencies
Suggested Change in S89 language (as borrowed from other states' successful bills banning private election assistance):
"Nothing in this Chapter shall grant authority to State Board of Elections, County BOE, or Commissioners to solicit, accept, use
or dispose of any money, grants, property, services or anything else of value given by a private individual or nongovernmental
entity for the purpose of funding voter education and outreach programs, voter registration programs or any other expense
incurred in the conduct of elections. The section does not prohibit the donation and acceptance of space to be used for a polling
room or an early voting site."
Primary Sponsors – Senators Newton, Hise, Daniel
• S 352 - Remove Foreign Citizens from Voter Rolls- Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the SenatePrimary Sponsor - Senator Burgin 620
NCEIT Supports this Bill because
- Public Interest Legal Foundation discovered thousands of foreign nationals illegally registered on the NC Voter List.
- NC DMV errors in registering foreign nationals to vote require periodic correction through voter list maintenance.
- This bill is consistent with Heritage Foundation standards using juror rolls for identifying non-citizens.
Primary Sponsor - Senator Burgin 620
• H 123 - Constitutional Amendment for Early Voting-Reduces early voting to 7 consecutive days. Ref to Election Law and Campaign Finance Reform Committee. Primary Sponsors - Representatives Warren 611 and Pike 542
NCEIT Supports this Bill because
- The 17 days of early voting in 2022 could be limited to 7 days and still provide needed access & cost effectiveness.
- A constitutional amendment was proposed to bring it to a vote of the people.
- Candidates information sometimes comes out late in the campaign and a shorter period would allow consideration of it.
Primary Sponsors - Representatives Warren 611 and Pike 542
• H 303 - Reduce One Stop Early Voting Days- to 8 days. Ref to Election Law and Campaign Finance Committee Primary Sponsors - Representatives Davis 417B, Cleveland 417A, Clampitt 633,Humphrey 638
NCEIT Supports this Bill because
- This bill is a short term solution to reducing the early voting days from 17 days to 8 days.
- Eight days appears to provide reasonable access and is cost effective.
- Candidate information sometimes comes out late in the campaign and a shorter period would allow consideration of it
Primary Sponsors - Representatives Davis 417B, Cleveland 417A, Clampitt 633, Humphrey 638
• H 396 - Repeal Participation in ERIC- Primary Sponsors - Representatives Setzer 2204, Moss 306C, Saine 1326, Howard 302
NCEIT supports this Bill because
- ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center) requires that member states provide confidential voter information
which is inconsistent with state law and this information has been shared with other non-profit organizations.
- Although states were interested in ERIC to clean up their voter rolls, the states are paying for a voter registration drive.
- Colorado, a 10 year user of ERIC, has 62% of its counties with more registered voters than residents.
Primary Sponsors - Representatives Setzer 2204, Moss 306C, Saine 1326, Howard 302
• H 485 - Provisional Ballot for Same Day Registration- Ref to the Com on Election Law and Campaign Finance Reform Primary Sponsors – Representatives Davis 117B, Mills 635,Warren 611, Blackwell 541
NCEIT supports this Bill because
- The time between the close of early voting and counting the ballot does not provide enough time to verify information.
- If information can be verified, the provisional ballot can be counted.
Primary Sponsors – Representatives Davis 117B, Mills 635, Warren 611, Blackwell 541
Paid for by NC Election Integrity Team (NCEIT) at
Paid for by NC Election Integrity Team (NCEIT) at
Also, HB304 has been pulled off the bills to lobby for (H 304 / S 88- Election Day Integrity Act - Ref to the Com on Election Law and Campaign Finance Reform. Suggested changes from NCEIT:
- Extend the time for challenges to absentee ballots to no later than the day prior to the cavass.
- At large poll observers shall be permitted to inspect absentee container return envelopes prior to counting of ballots.
House Primary Sponsors - Representatives Davis 417B, Warren 611, Cleveland 417A, Humphrey 638
Senate Primary Sponsors - Senators Daniel 627, P. Newton 300 B, Hise 300A
This is what happened to HB304 on 4/3/23. See link here. The good news is that we will have one more shot at the above modifications when the bill goes to the Senate. Stay tuned!
NCEIT through its’ investigations drafted these bills for consideration by the NC legislature: They need sponsors.
Poll Observers - outlines appointment, access
and permitted activities and also the definition
of the voting enclosure and its’ arrangement. Link to bill here.
Access to Ballots / Cast Vote Records - voted
ballots and cast vote records may be accessed
by the public through public record requests. Link to bill here.