Mondays @5PM Only Citizens Vote Zoom. Recurring Monday Meeting
For the purpose of assessing county needs and resources: Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 2776 7067
Passcode: 895465
ONLY CITIZENS VOTE Recurring Meetings
Mondays @5pm
Agenda: Resources and Their Use
Order Your Meeting in a Box: The resources you need to easily educate your members about the threat of noncitizens voting and how to fight back. Request The Box:“I’m a leader in ____ County, NC. I’m a member of NCEIT. Please send MIB.”
On-Line Resources:
•Printable Signs to Stop Non-Citizens Voting: (In Spanish and English)
(We took up a collection to pay for the two sided flyer.)
Lots of great ideas and momentum to share with you.