Election bills that have been filed to date:
(1) H31 Election Day as Federal Holiday (for State Employees) [Primary Sponsors- Biggs, Ross, N. Jackson, K. Hall] Neutral
(2) H66 Reduce Early Voting Period- would limit EV period to 6 days (Monday thru Sat before an election) [Primary Sponsors- Gable, Tyson, Kidwell, Scott] Conditionally Support
(3) H127- Voter Registration Drive Form [Warren, Blackwell, Echevarria, Loftis] Under Review- Modifications being Proposed
(4) H129 - Non-Partisan Judicial Elections [Morey, Rubin, Jones, Longest] Do Not Support
(5) H278 No Photo ID for Military/Overseas Voters [Morey, Majeed, Ager, Harrison] Do Not Support