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NCGOP Moves to Limit Democrat Governor's Power Over Elections After Likely Losing Their Supermajority

Your representatives and senators in the North Carolina General Assembly did absolutely nothing with election integrity in spite of our repeated efforts to get them to pass legislation during the 2023 short session. They are now trying to take our state elections out of the hands of the governor and place it with the Auditor. In addition, they also have a narow window to pass H770 Cast Vote Records before the new session is sworn in. The bill has been languishing in the Senate Rule committee since September of 2023. The darlings are now scrambling to fix the mess. The Federalist 11/23/24: NC GOP Moves to Limit the Democrat Governor's Power Over Elections After Likely Losing Their Supermajority.

Link to NCEIT CEO Jim Womack's letter to Senate Rules " ...   Without cast vote records, the auditor lacks the tools needed to perform a post-election tabulation audit.  As it stands now, there is no audit and there will be no audit of the most recent election.  (The "Risk Limiting Audit" that NCSBE performs on itself has zero meaningfulness from a statistical and evidentiary perspective.  Everyone knows that.)

The lack of legislative action by the State Senate on this bill contributes to public distrust of our elections.  Moreover, it greatly complicates the new Auditor's ability to ensure the NCSBE does its job effectively.  You have the opportunity now to fix this glaring deficiency.   There are two or more scheduled sessions of the NCGA prior to adjournment.  Please endeavor to pass this bill and then to override the likely gubernatorial veto that will ensue.  This action is very important to citizens statewide. ..."



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