Sunday June 25th, 2023
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Patrick Gannon, Public Information Director Email
State Board Launches Approval Process for Student and Government Employee IDs for Voting
Raleigh, N.C. — The State Board of Elections is encouraging eligible educational institutions and government agencies to apply to have their student and employee photo IDs approved for voting purposes in upcoming elections.
Beginning with the 2023 municipal elections, registered voters in North Carolina will be asked to present photo identification to vote. [For more information on the photo ID requirement, see Voter ID.] Student identification cards issued by North Carolina public or private universities and colleges, as well as employee identification cards issued by state and local government entities and charter schools, are valid forms of photo ID for voting when approved by the State Board.
Many other types of photo ID, including driver’s licenses, also will be accepted for voting. However, this approval process will ensure students without another acceptable form of ID will be prepared to vote.
“We strongly encourage all eligible educational institutions and government employers to apply for their IDs to be approved for voting. Getting their IDs approved will help ensure their students and employees are best equipped to participate in our state’s elections,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections. “The State Board is ready to assist these institutions and governmental entities as they work through this approval process.”
To request approval for use in the 2023 municipal elections, an institution must provide a signed Student or Employee Identification Approval Form and a digital image of the ID card to the State Board on or before June 28, 2023. Public colleges and universities may seek approval of both student and employee ID cards, but they must submit separate approval forms for each type of ID.
[See “2023 Employer Submission Instructions”] [See “2023 College Submission Instructions”] [See “2023 Employee ID Approval Request Form”] [See “2023 Student ID Approval Request Form”]
The Board will review submissions to ensure they comply with criteria in state law. The Board will publish a list of approved ID cards in July 2023. This leaves time for public education and training before municipal elections in September, October, and November.
Cards approved by the State Board in 2023 will remain valid for use as a voter’s photo ID through December 31, 2024.
There will be additional opportunities to apply for ID approval before the 2024 elections. The presidential primary is March 5, 2024. The general election is November 5, 2024. Details on the next approval process will be released in the coming months.
State Board staff are in contact with education, employer, and advocacy partners to ensure details of the approval process are shared with all institutions.
Educational institutions and government agencies with questions about the process should email VoterID@ncsbe.gov or call 919-814-0700.
NC State Board of Elections
North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE)
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