President Pro Temp of the Senatre, Senator Phil Berger
House Speaker, Tim Moore
Senator Warren Daniel Senate Rules and Elections
Senator Bill Rabon, Chair Senate Rules
Rep Grey Mills, Chair House Oversight
Rep Jake Johnson Chair House Ovsesight and Reform
Rep Harry Warren Chair House Obersight and Reform
Your Senators and Representatives
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Today’s Date
Dear Senator and Representatives,
Please sign and support the Resolution proclaiming all voter registration lists will be evaluated thoroughly against Department of Homeland Security data and North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles data on a monthly basis to comply with Federal law that requires that voters in Federal elections be United States citizens.
If you wish not to sign this, please respond with your reasons. Thank you.
Proclaiming All Voter Registration Lists Will Be Evaluated Thoroughly Against Department of Homeland Security Data and North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles Data on a Monthly Recurring Cycle
WHEREAS, The North Carolina State Board of Elections has the duty to protect the process of elections, and ensure those elections (local, state, and federal) are protected from foreign interference and fraud; and
WHEREAS, Federal law requires that voters in federal elections be United States citizens; and
WHEREAS, these laws give authority to all governmental authorities, local and state, through their very nature and under the Constitution of the United States to the North Carolina State Board of Elections in order to abide by Federal laws; and
WHEREAS, the North Carolina State Board of Elections hereby directs Karen Brinson Bell, Chair of the North Carolina State Board of Elections to compare the voter registration lists of ______ County, NC to the citizenship data in the possession of the Department of Homeland Security in Washington, D.C. for any and all reasons under the laws of this land; and
WHEREAS, each local election office and {Board of Elections Director, Name of your County BOE} to evaluate all voter registration lists for all names that may be fraudulent within its jurisdiction, on a monthly basis, and submitting those names monthly directly to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to verify citizenship and immigration status for verification of citizenship status; and
WHEREAS, the legal responsibility to do so is a mandate; and
WHEREAS, the the North Carolina State Board of Elections hereby directs this Resolution, pursuant to and by way of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), at 8 U.S.C. § 1373, which requires DHS to "respond to an inquiry by a Federal, State, or local government agency, seeking to verify or ascertain the citizenship or immigration status of any individual within the jurisdiction of the agency for any purpose authorized by law, by providing the requested verification or status information” and
WHEREAS, the North Carolina State Board of Elections further directs this Resolution by way of the INA, which also states, in 8 U.S.C. §1644, that “[n]otwithstanding any other provision of Federal, State, or local law, no State or local government entity may be prohibited, or in any way restricted, from sending to or receiving from ... [DHS] information regarding the immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of an alien in the United States.”; and
WHEREAS, these statues confer on localities and states an unrestricted authority to obtain information about the immigration status of alien noncitizens in the United States as a “purpose authorized by law” which includes citizenship status of presently registered voters; and
WHEREAS, the necessity of protecting all elections – local, state, and federal - from frauds and abuses, including the 2024 General Elections, and it is determined that accuracy of voter rolls is of vital importance to this issue; and
WHEREAS, noncitizens within these United States and within this Boards jurisdiction, have reached levels that are higher than ever before in the history of the nation; and
WHEREAS, noncitizens are being registered to vote with no adequate measures to ensure this stops, creating a serious risk to the devaluation of each U.S. Citizens legal vote within {Your County, State}; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Homeland Security, pursuant to Sections 1373 and 1644 of the U.S.C. Code, does not charge fees, therefore creating no hindrance to the citizens of {Your County,NC}; and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the North Carolina State Board of Elections hereby proclaim voter registrations lists will be evaluated for citizenship status and all persons identified therein with a concern of fraud for lacking citizenship, will be analyzed and evaluated through submission to the Department of Homeland Security database held in Washington, D.C. and the database held by the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles; and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IY RESOLVED, that the North Carolina Legislature will direct oversight of the North Carolina State Board of Elections to read aloud all names and addresses from absentee ballots at Board of Elections meetings; and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the North Carolina Legislature will compel the North Carolina State Board of Elections to require identification to prove citizenship and to comply with the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), to check the identification of approximately 225,000 voters, that the agency is opening the door for non-citizens to vote; and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the North Carolina State Board of Elections be compelled to require HAVA-required identification information, such as a driver’s license number or the last four digits of a Social Security Number; and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that these evaluations of ___________County voter registration lists will commence immediately (no more than three (3) days from the signing of this Resolution); and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the evaluations will occur on a monthly cycle, to be completed each month by the third (3rd) day of each month, or the first business day following - should the third (3rd) fall on a weekend/non business day.
Signature of Senator/Representative