RE: Please implement SB49 – The Parents’ Bill of Rights
Dear Buncombe County School Board:
My name is __________________.
I am writing in support of SB49, the Parents’ Bill of Rights, and I am asking you to implement all parts of the state law according to the timeline provided by the state.
Children are not wards of the state. They are gifts from God to their parents. The Parents’ Bill of Rights protects the rights of parents to direct the care and education of their children. It also protects their rights to direct their children’s upbringing and moral/religious training. Schools may partner with parents, but schools are not ultimately in charge of them. Parents are.
Unfortunately, we live in a fallen world, where some adults in the children’s sphere have harmed them. Within the law are strong protections for children in cases of abuse.
I have become increasingly alarmed at the opposition to this bill, specifically the outcry of the LGBTQ community and its activists. I am extremely concerned that you are listening to their loud voices (which I contend do not represent the county as a whole) and will not implement the state law as written.
At the November 2 board meeting, activists from the Campaign for Southern Equality spoke. Only one of these representatives stated she was from Buncombe County. These activists are pushing a human secular agenda. In this agenda, you are either for them or against (a Marxist trick), and you are hostile and possess a “narrowed love of neighbor” if you do not agree with them. Please do not succumb to their threats. Let them bring on lawsuits. Implement the law.
The law states that gender identity should not be taught in grades K-4th grade. Gender ideology is controversial. I contend most Buncombe County parents do not agree with it. As far as I’m concerned, gender identity is a moral issue and should not be broached in schools at any age, because schools do not have the authority to be the directors of a child’s moral beliefs or religion.
Regardless, gender identity falls under the realm of reproductive health/sex education and should not be addressed at this very young age. If a parent wants to address this issue at home, he/she can. This controversial topic should not be addressed in grades K-4th grade. The Parents’ Bill of Rights protects our children in this regard.
The law also states that schools should not keep information from parents unless in situations of abuse or potential harm. To help their children, parents need the knowledge of what their child is experiencing at school, so they can help them or seek help in other places. If a child is experiencing gender dysphoria, parents, who direct their children’s upbringing and moral beliefs, need to know so they can help their child. The LGBTQ activists seemed concerned about teacher’s “outing” students to parents. Keeping secrets from parents, who have authority over that child, is extremely alarming and morally wrong.
Human secularism is a thought belief in which all morality is relative. Human secularism is a religion, a religion of self. Note: The Unitarian Church falls under this purview. Human secularism is the most intolerant of all religions. If you do not agree with the tenets of human secularism, then you are hostile, hateful and evil.
It appears in this fight for parental rights and the protection of our children that the religion of human secularism is taking precedence over all other thought beliefs including Judaism, Islam and Christianity. I am extremely concerned that without the Parents’ Bill of Rights children will become indoctrinated by the religion of human secularism against the wishes of their parents. That is morally wrong.
I am also concerned that by promoting the human secular agenda that you will be creating a hostile educational environment for all students and school staff who do not agree with its tenets which include the affirmation and acceptance of LGBTQ lifestyles. These students and staff who disagree with human secularism have the right to their own beliefs. They can be kind and compassionate to all students without affirming a lifestyle choice that they feel is immoral and hurtful to a student’s well-being.
If you do not implement all parts of the state law according to the timeline given to you by the state, I am concerned about what LGBTQ activists will be pushing on our children and school staff next. Craig Wilson, a representative of the Campaign for Southern Equality who spoke at the November 2 board meeting, noted present concerns of “staff outing students, staff not respecting correct pronouns and names, and staff censoring curriculum beyond requirements.” Will you then begin forcing staff to go against their religious and moral beliefs to keep secrets from parents, to use names and pronouns which do not go along with a student’s biological sex, and to include materials and curriculum in their teaching which they find offensive and harmful?
It is not the job of seven board members to go against the wishes of the voters of North Carolina and not implement state law. It is your duty to implement SB49 as written and according to the timeline provided by the state. Please implement SB49.