The recent passage of NC Senate Bill 747 saw critical needed changes to our elections laws to make it easy to vote but hard to cheat. With the lobbying efforts from NCEIT and all of you, we are able to see these significant changes. (Our efforts are not yet finished.) One of those changes in the law is to the ousting of the infamous CTCL that tries to infiltrate your local Board of Electiions. (See Shining the Light on Zuck Bucks in the 2020 Battleground States) We celebrate our victories and then we move on. This is a great piece from The Federalist regarding that victory.
Dear Legislators;
I was elated to read the lead article in today's Federalist citing the withdrawal of Brunswick and Forsyth County's respective boards of elections from their alliance with the infamous Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL).
I want to congratulate you for helping make this possible through adequate legislative and local funding of elections and by passing Senate Bill 747 into law this past session. Your conscientious support for election integrity will go a long way towards improving the fairness, transparency, and even the quality of our future elections.
Warm Regards/
Jim Womack
President, North Carolina Election Integrity Team
Tel. (919) 770-4783